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Q: What law prohibited monopolies and business practices that lessened competition and also allowed labor unions to strike?
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Why was roosevelt against monopolies?

Teddy r. felt monopolies were unfair to business competition

What were two practices used to develop monopolies?

Two practices used to develop monopolies are controlling all the steps in a business process and driving out all of the competitors.

One effect of monopolies on the US economy is that they have tended to?

reduce business competition

What did the Sherman Antitrust Act limit?

Broadly speaking it limited the formation of agreements, monopolies and other business practices that reduced competition and raised consumer prices. There is a very good wiki article about this, you should read it.

What strategies enabled big business to eliminate competition?

Your business needs to be the best is selling and marketing.OrThe formation of monopolies allowed for exclusive control over the supply of a particular product with no competition.

One advantage of monopolies from a business perspective?

A monopoly is when a business has a product or service that no one else offers. If a business holds a monopoly over competition they will have more money.

Why did business leaders establish monopolies?

To ensure the sale of the products. This is an ineficient model, as competition produces better and cheaper products.

Why did some people fear monnpolies?

Monopolies signal the elimination of competition. For instance when there is little to no competition such as in business, there is no reason to reduce prices to compete. Prices of things can get out of hand.

What was a business practice employed by the titans of industry in the late 1800s?

Creating monopolies and trying to control the industry were business practices employed by the totals of industry in the late 1800s.

In the late 1800s supporters of monopolies believed that monopolies added to the general economic prosperity What did the critics of monopolies say?

I'm pretty sure that its b: In there pursuit of profit, ruthless business leaders destroyed competition and were free to set prices at any level.

What Act prohibited unfair business practices?

There are several such Acts. Each country would have their own versions.

What did the sherman antitrust act ban?

The Sherman Act prohibits activities that restrict interstate commerce and competition in the marketplace. It also prohibits monopolization or attempts at monopolizing any aspect of interstate trade or commerce.It prohibited specific means of anticompetitive conduct. The Act was aimed at regulating businesses. However, its application was not limited to the commercial side of business. It's prohibition of the cartel was also interpreted to make illegal many labor union activities. This is because unions were characterized as cartels.