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the stars are all in our galaxy and maybe beyond. they are not in our atmosphere and they are HUGE HUGE HUGE some r even bigger than the sun.

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Q: What layer of atmosphere has stars?
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What layer of the atmosphere does a shooting star occur?

The mesosphere is where meteorites burn up. Most people call them shooting stars.

Are there stars in the stratosphere and are there stars in the mesosphere and are there stars in the thrmosphere?

yes, there are aproximately over 9000 stars in each layer of the atmosphere

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Temperatures decrease in the third layer of the atmosphere the mesosphere. This is where meteors burn up and cause shooting stars.

Which layer from the atmosphere is in risk?

A layer in atmosphere is at risk. The layer is ozone layer.

What is the layer of the atmosphere?

The ozone layer is in the stratosphere. It is one of the layer of atmosphere.

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The ozone layer is in the stratosphere. It is one of the layer of atmosphere.

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Ozone is concentrated in the ozone layer of the atmosphere. the layer of atmosphere is stratosphere.

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The UV rays must pass through atmosphere. So the layer must be in Atmosphere. The layer of the atmosphere is he ozone layer.

The coldest layer of the atmosphere?

MESOSPHERE is the coldest layer of the atmosphere.

Which layer of he atmosphere is the hottetest?

The hottest layer of the atmosphere is the thermosphere.

What is the 3rd layer of the atmosphere?

The mesosphere is the third layer of the atmosphere.

What is The lowest layer in the atmosphere is?

troposphere is the lowest layer of atmosphere.