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Charles Darwin's studies in the natural world actually led up to the discovery of natural selection. Darwin observed the population barnacles and later pigeons to observe variations as they were crossbred within their own species.

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Q: What led up to Charles Darwin's discovery?
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Galileo held a pendulum up to his heart and timed the beats. This is what led to the discovery of measuring small amounts of time more accurately.

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Galileo held a pendulum up to his heart and timed the beats. This is what led to the discovery of measuring small amounts of time more accurately.

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Galileo held a pendulum up to his heart and timed the beats. This is what led to the discovery of measuring small amounts of time more accurately.

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Galileo held a pendulum up to his heart and timed the beats. This is what led to the discovery of measuring small amounts of time more accurately.

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Where did Darwins grow up?

I believe he was born and also raised in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England.

Who came up with the the idea traits are acquired from animals from their use or disuse?

Charles Darwin is the one usually associated with the theory of evolution, although that is a bit of a simplification. The basics of the idea had been tossed around by others before, and during Darwins work with it.

What was Charles Darwins family like?

Charles Darwin grew up in an extremely wealthy family. he was known and honoured, he got a very good education and married his cousin. he was very imaginative at a young age and he would make up stories and things like that. he was a very developed child in many ways and is most famous for his theory in evolution. hope this helped mate. xx

Life science is the study of living things List 10 ways your life has been affected because scientist study living things?

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