

What letter is used for current?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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6y ago

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The uppercase letter "I" is used for DC current, or for the average current; the lowercase letter "i" is used for instantaneous current.

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Usually ' i ' (lower case I).

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Q: What letter is used for current?
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The letter 'I' is used to represent current. Its SI units are the ampere,(amps),(A).

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The letter "I" is normally used for direct current, or for the average current in the case of AC. The lower-case version, "i", is used for the instantaneous current, in the case of AC.

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The letter "I" (capital "i"). Lowercase "i" is also used sometimes (for instantaneous current).

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The letter L (written in uppercase) is used as a symbol for inductance. If you mean the letter I (uppercase i), that refers to current.

What is the symbol for current?

Uppercase 'I' is used for DC or effective (RMS) alternating current (which is a scalar value). Lowercase 'i' is used for instantaneous current (usually expressed as a complex value).

Why Is The Symbol Of Current you And Not C?

In an electric circuit C is used to denote the capacitance, so current is represented by I. <<>> The original French term for amperage or current was "intensité de courant". It translated into English as "intensity of current". So it was the letter I from the word "intensity" that the early experimenters in electricity used and now today it still represents the symbol for current.

Why is current represented by the letter I in electronics?

One explanation I was given was that when a letter was needed to represent current in formulas, C had already been used, and it was decided to use the next unused letter of the alphabet, which was I. However, I prefer the other explanation, which is that in the early days of investigations into electricity, what we now call current was called Intensity, hence the letter I. It should never be confused with Impedence, the symbol for which is Z.

What letter is used to abbreviate electric current?

Electrical current is measured in Amperes which is abbreviated to amps. When dealing with formulae the letter I is used to represent current, for example: Power = Voltage × Current = volts × amps = V × I Small currents in electrical engineering use the lower case i; this can cause confusion with the lower case i that mathematicians use for √-1, so they use j for √-1 instead.