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I highly doubt it's possible to get high off synthetic estrogen pills...

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Q: What level of tolerance does a person need in order to get a high off birth control pills?
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How can you improve your confidence level and risk tolerance?

To improve your confidence level and risk tolerance a person must be willing to try new things. When trying new things a person should also have a back-up plan in case things do not go exactly as planned.

Is a person who drinks a fifth of alcohol in one day a alcoholic?

Probably, the person has certainly developed a high level of alcohol tolerance.

Where is the least painful area to get a piercing?

Most say that their navel and ear were the least painful but it differs from person to person and their level for pain tolerance.

What is the difference between Pain Threshold and Pain Tolerance?

Pain Threshold is the level at which a person first begins to experience Pain from a stimulus, either artificial or biological. A person's Pain Tolerance level, is the overall level of Pain a person can tolerate before breaking down either physically or mentally. A person's Threshold level increases as their Pain Tolerance increases - this can be achieved either through deliberate means in those who have not been injured or otherwise have no other reason for Pain (Martial Artists are the best example of this) or in those with chronic pain it will occur naturally over time. Martial Artists such as myself use techniques to increase both the Pain Threshold and Tolerance level. It is that training which has provided me with the best pain control over the years, even though I also use very high doses of opiates for pain control. Pain Tolerance can also be elevated with opiate drugs, and is the basis for most pain treatment programs. While human Pain Threshold is relatively low for most people (it doesn't take much to feel pain - even a needle or pin prick will do) Pain Tolerance is another matter. The human body can withstand a lot of pain before breaking down, and for those like me who deal with constant levels of high pain on a regular basis every day, the tolerance level is very high, almost dangerously so.

Is 82mg of liquor lethal?

82 milligrams is not the right unit name for alcohol. Also, if you meant 82 milliliters, it depends on its concentration level and the tolerance level for alcohol of the person's drinking it.

Blood alcohol level of 4.6 for a woman?

unconsciousness or death is guaranteed..however there can be exceptions if the weight exceeds 250 pounds and if the person is an alcoholic. In which case they develop a high tolerance level.

Why have the level of oestrogen in birth control pills have been reduced?

because it affects the rate of blood

Do birth control pills or the Depo-Provera shot effect your thyroid levels?

Hormonal birth control can affect the level of thyroid binding globulins. That doesn't affect most of the thyroid levels that your health care provider would check, but your provider should be aware of the type of birth control you're using just in case they decide to test these levels. Hormonal birth control does not affect the level of T4, T3, or TSH, the typical levels that are checked.

What is the optimum tolerance level of arsenic content in portable water according to WHO?

The optimum tolerance level of arsenic content in potable water according to WHO is 0.05 mg per litre.

Do Birth control pills help level out hormones?

Yes, they sure do!It's a common myth, especially in young adult Women, that birth control is only used to "not get your pregnant", but this is just not true. Aside from decreasing the likelihood of birth, birth control pills can help regulate hormones and menstruation.Not all types of birth control works with everyone, so if you're interested in taking them, consult your Doctor. There is bound to be one out there that works for you.

What are signs of being impaired by alcohol?

The level of BAC that causes impairment depends heavily on whether or not the drinker has developed alcohol tolerance and, if so, how much tolerance. About 25% of alcoholics show absolutely no evidence of impairment at .01 BAC because of their tolerance.

Does the lost river ride make you feel sick?

It depends on your nausea tolerance level. I don't get sick on it, but i have good tolerance.