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None, it means the 'skull' in Aramaic and is similiar to the Hebrew word for skull 'gulgoleth'.

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Q: What literary term is used for golgotha?
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What literary term is golgotha?

No, Golgotha is not a literary term. It is the Mount on which Jesus was crucified. The word Golgotha in hebrew means skull, and in Greek the Gospels used the word 'Kranion', or cranium, the upper part of the skull. The reason Golgotha got its name is because the mount looks like the upper part of a skull (see link).

What is the literary term of golgotha?

Golgotha is not really a literary term. It is often related to suffering or to the redemption accomplished by Jesus in his death on Golgotha. Since the word Golgotha comes from the Hebrew word 'gulgoleth' and is 'gulgalta' in Aramaic, which mean 'skull', it is related also to death and the dead. To see a picture of Golgotha, the top part of a skull, refer to the link below.

What term is Golgotha?

Golgotha means 'Place of the skull'.

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An example of a literary term used in "A Hymn to the Morning" is personification, where the morning is given human-like qualities or actions.

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Without additional context, it is difficult to determine the specific literary term being used. Common literary terms include metaphor, simile, alliteration, irony, foreshadowing, and symbolism. Providing more information or a quote would help in identifying the literary term.

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Golgotha (place of a skull taken from the Hebrew) or the Latin term used by Luke which is Calvary.

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