

What lives in Neptune?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: What lives in Neptune?
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Who live at Neptune?

no one lives on neptune and it would be impossible to. way too cold there

Do they sell pie on Neptune?

No because nobody lives on Neptune, so no pie (sorry).

Does Percy Jackson live on Neptune?

No. He lives in Manhattan, New York. Neptune is the Roman name for Poseidon.

What eats Neptune's neck?

The Speckled Potato Frog that lives in the depths of the Amazon

What kind of alien lives on Neptune?

Either none OR something so different that we couldn't recognize it if we found it.

What is the axis of Neptune?

James kwan lives at 19 tudor court south lethbridge, Alberta Canada

Are there bushes on Neptune?

Seeing that we have say that no life lives on any other planet and the plant is a living organism i have to say NO

What is the planet axis of Neptune?

James kwan lives at 19 tudor court south lethbridge, alberta canada

What nine planet lives near the suns?

Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Neptune Uranus Earth, PLUTO

How old will you be on Neptune if you are born in 2000?

I image you are asking the age in terms of Neptune years or days. The Neptune year is about 164 earth years and each Neptune solar year is made of about 89666 Neptune solar days. This means that a Neptune solar day has a duration of about 1.5 earth days. Since January the first of year 2000, 4295 earth solar days are elapsed up to October 4 2012. This means that a person that was born on the earth on the first day of year 2000, when it is October 4 2012 on earth has an age of about 2863 Neptune days. They correspond to about 0.031 Neptune solar years, but the fact has to be considered that no man lives a whole Neptune year :-)

Is leela from futurama from neptuneor mars?

Amy Wong is from western Mars, Santa clause lives on Neptune. Leela is a mutant from the sewer.

What are Neptune's living Organisms?

There are no inhabitants on Neptune. The planet is too gaseous, cold, and windy to support any sort of life.Also, there is very little amount of light and heat due to the long distance between the sun and Neptune.Due to this there can be no atmosphere or plant life.