

What made global climate change into a political issue?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Some Americans objected to the loss of personal freedom environmental changes might require.

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Q: What made global climate change into a political issue?
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What has caused the question of global climate change to become a political issue?

People think environmental changes will restrict personal freedom

Why did the question of global climate change become a political issue?

A concern that international climate laws will hurt American businesses APEX ----- Some people worried that signing international agreements meant less freedom for U.S. business. Although people recognized environmental problems, they worried about the economics of change.

Does it seem feasible that the public can come to a consensus on a particularly sensitive issue such as global climate change or abortion?

Yes, other countries have.

Why might different news outlets report differently on an issue such as climate change?

News outlets have different political perspectives.

What nations agreed with Al Gore in 'An Inconvenient Truth'?

It's not so much that anyone agreed with Al Gore, the ideas were not his. He was simply stating the position taken by the majority of scientists working on the issue of Global Climate Change. 163 nations have ratified the Kyoto Protocol (This is about 92% of the nations.) Nations signing the Protocol, by definition, believe there is a Global Climate Change issue and want to do something about it

What is a global issue?

A global issue is a problem or concern that affects people, societies, or the environment on a worldwide scale. These issues transcend national boundaries and impact the world as a whole, requiring collective action and cooperation to address effectively. Examples include climate change, poverty, and infectious diseases.

Is Global Warming Skepticism Just Smoke and Mirrors?

Whenever you have an issue, their is a controversy. In the case of Global Climate Change the worldwide majority of environmental scientists and climatologists, backed up by data, photos, site observations and computer simulations, confirm that Global Climate Change is an issue and point to the man made generation of Greenhouse Gases (mainly carbon dioxide) as the cause. The few detractors have a small number of scientists who provide an alternate view. The trouble is that if action is not taken on Global Climate Change the consequences will be irreversible - nobody will like the world we get left with. The consequences of implementing climate change improvements (saving energy, using clean technology, reducing waste, removing GHGs at the point of emission) will cost us some money, create jobs, and let us survive.

What is the biggest issue in the world?

it is obviously WAR, and CLIMATE CHANGE

Could you help work out a topic of interest from the theme global warming for preschool kids?

Introducing global warming to preschool children would most likely just confuse them. A complex issue like global warming or climate change should probably be saved for an older age.

Does Hillary Clinton believe in climate change?

Yes. Clinton has listed "climate change" as a major issue on her 2016 campaign web site. She calls climate change an "urgent threat".

Should climate change not be a significant issue?

meh non quier

What do people believe about climate changes and global warming?

People believe that man is causing global warming and climate change by burning fossil fuels and cutting down the forests of the world.Other people believe that global warming is a natural event and man is not causing it.Most believe that it is partially a natural issue that man is having some unknown affect on as well. This is where most scientists fall.Other people believe that global warming is not happening at all.