

What makes Hawaiian volcanoes erupt?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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Nature. with plate tectonics and stuff

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Q: What makes Hawaiian volcanoes erupt?
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What makes composite volcanoes to erupt?

Ash and Gas make composite volcanoes erupt i believe

What makes volcanos erupt?

the volcano erupts from the earth. when it hits 200 degrees celsius, it will erupt..and volcanoes can erupt ice at -300 degrees celsius

The Indonesian islands have volcanoes with a reputation for violent eruptions The volcanoes in the Hawaiian Islands seldom erupt violently What is the most likely explanation for the difference betw?

the type of lava

Are all volcanoes destructive?

Volcanoes are only destructive to people and property when they erupt. Volcanoes can lie dormant for decades before they erupt. The Hawaiian Islands were all formed from eruptions of volcanoes in the ocean.

Do tsunamis erupt?

No. Volcanoes erupt.

Can volcanoes erupt in the ocean?

Yes, volcanoes can erupt in the ocean. If this were not true the Hawaiian islands as well as many other vacation island chains would simply not exist. It is also estimated by National Geographic in "Volcanoes: Natures Inferno" that the oceans conceal some 80% of volcanic activity worldwide.

How many volcanoes erupt yearly?

About 60 volcanoes erupt each year.

How many volcanoes can erupt at once?

An unlimited amount of volcanoes can erupt at once

Do volcanoes erupt at the end of the year?

Volcanoes can erupt at any time of year.

What climates do volcanoes need to be in to erupt?

Volcanoes can erupt in any climate. Climate does not affect a volcano's ability to erupt.

What type of volcano does and does not erupt?

Active volcanoes erupt. Dormant volcanoes are quiet - but may erupt again some day. Extinct volcanoes have "closed up shop" for good, and will never erupt again.

Does Hawaii have at least one volcano on all of them?

Yes. All of the Hawaiian islands are volcanic. Most of the volcanoes, however, are long extinct. Only the volcanoes at the eastern end of the chain still erupt.