

What makes a govt democratic?

Updated: 8/18/2023
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11y ago

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This is a good question as many countries claim to be democratic that aren't ie North Korea. Here are some clear indicators. People choose their leaders at elections at which all adults are entitled to vote. The voters have a free choice of candidates with differing views. Human rights of all groups are respected especially free speech and free media.

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14y ago
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14y ago

A true democracy is a government in which the citizens must vote on every issue. However, this is not necessary for a government to be considered 'democratic'. For example, the United States government would be considered a democratic republic because, while we vote on many issues, we also elect representatives to vote on issues for us so that the citizens do not have to decide every single issue. A government is really considered to be democratic if the people being governed have some amount of control in their government.

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7y ago
  1. Everyone should be able to choose.
  2. There should be something to choose from.
  3. The choice should be offered at regular intervals.
  4. Election must be held regularly after every few years.
  5. The candidate preferred by the people should get elected.
  6. Election should be conducted in a free and fair manner.

In a pure democracy, the majority choose the winner without any restrictions on who may be elected or who gets to vote. The person with the most votes wins.

Votes are counted accurately and in timely fashion. The ballot is secret and no threats, real or threatened are made in an effort to influence the voters.

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13y ago

1.Everyone should be able to choose.

2.There should be something to choose from.

3. The choice should be offered at regular intervels.

3.Election must be held regularly after every few years.

4.The candidate preffered by the people should get elected.

5.Election should be conducted in a free and fair manner.


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11y ago

Demos refers to "the people". True democracy maintains the ultimate power in the electorate. But even in this day and age with thousands of reporters and just plain good people around, there is still a lot of monkey business in politics and it always involves money. A presidential campaign costs tens of millions, some of which remains unmentioned. Mitt Romney is probably the richest candidate in history. I don't hold his wealth against him. BUT I know he moves in rich and powerful circles and I don't trust many of them.

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12y ago

When it's people are given the opportunity to choose who they want to represent themselves, it allows people to choose their leaders.

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12y ago

That government officials are elected by the people in open, free and fair elections where there is a plethora of political ideologies.

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Ezhree Emmanuel

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1y ago

its when you get to vote yourself and not having to follow what the president tells you to do

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