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soft stem is called a herbaceous stem which is thin and flexible and woody plants are hard and thick

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woody stems are hard and they are brown.soft stems are a darkish light green and they are soft

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one is more protected ;)

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Q: Why do some plants have soft stems and others have woody stems?
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Do the stems of a soft-stemmed plants have chloroplast How about woody plants?

Soft stem are green and have chloroplasts.Woody stems do not have.

What statement is true about herbaceous and woody plants?

Who ever is reading this your a mother

Do wild flowers with soft green stems have herbacious stems?

Yes. As you can see, herbaceous stems are soft and green while woody stems are thick, hard and woody. Stems can be of several sorts, herbaceous and woody. The herbaceous stems are green and fairly bendable. The woody stems as their name implies, are covered by bark. The herbaceous stem has more pith for its size. The cambium which causes woody stems to get bigger in width is not as active in the herbaceous stems. Most herbaceous plants are annuals or planted yearly. The herbaceous stem has little notches where leaves develop. Woody stems have scars where twigs and fruit have dropped off and little openings for transpiration.

What are the examples of plants with soft stem?

Plants with soft stems are known as herbaceous plants. They have soft, green stems that contain little or no wood. Some examples of this type of plant are: grapevines, ferns, grasses, ivies and tulips.

Is gumamela a shrub or herb?

its a shrub (they have woody stems) herbs have soft stems...

What is the growth of tissue that produces phloem and xylem in the stems of woody plants?

woody stems have more xylem than soft stems

Which describes herbaceous stems?

Stem - supporting structure of a plant, serving also to conduct and to store food materials. The stems of herbaceous and of woody plants differ: those of herbaceous plants are usually green and pliant and are covered by a thin epidermis instead of by the bark of woody plants. There is relatively more pith in herbaceous stems, and the cambium, which increases the diameter of woody stems, is usually almost inactive; it is therefore characteristic of herbaceous stems that, although they increase in height, their increase in diameter is small.

Which type of plant has the least amount of xylem tissue?

There are different kinds of stems some are woody and some are non-woody. Woody stems have alote of xylem tissue. Trees and shrubs have woody stems. The woody of conifers such as pine tree is soft wood.

How does the stem of a plant affect the height of a plant?

plants with soft stems cant grow so high because they can fall over. woody stems grow taller because they can handle more than the soft stems.

What are Small plants with soft stems called?

which is a very sall plant with soft stems

What are plants that have soft stems called?


Is a sunflower herbaceous or woody?

A cactus has a soft stem with sharp spikes.