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Pigeons love straw and will place a piece at each potential nest spot. The cocks are very creative which makes me laugh when I clean up because I find straw in all kinds of improbable locations. Once they claim a nest site, the hen usually lays the first egg within a couple of days and a second egg one to two days later.

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12y ago

Mud and saliva. These are the nests 'birds nest'soup is made from. The dried saliva is separated from the mud and is the chief ingredient.

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10y ago

sparrow use twigs,leaves,thread,pebbles,etc.Generally some birds use these same materials to build their nests

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12y ago

Sticks, feathers, plastic, fluff..pretty much anything they can find which may be harmful to them or the baby birds.

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They can. They use bits of sticks, mud, leaves, wool - basically whatever they can find :) Tweet tweet :)

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