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we make use of tungsten metal to design electron gun.

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Q: What metals are an electron gun made from?
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Aluminum- milled or cast.

How many valence electron does alkali metals have?

Alkali metals have one valence electron.

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What type of metals such as sodium have a single valence electron and very reactive?

Highly reactive metals with one valence electron are known as Alkali metals.

What type of metals such as sodium have a single valence electron are very reactive?

Highly reactive metals with one valence electron are known as Alkali metals.

Metals with two electron in the outer level?

Alkaline metals

What is the function of electron gun?

through an electron gun beams of cathode and anode comes out.

Would you expect nonmetals to have larger electron affinities than metals?

Yes. Non metals have larger electron affinity than metals as non metals accept electrons more easily than metals.

Why are metals grouped together?

Metals are grouped together according to their electron structure.

What is the characterisitc of the outer electron shell of alkali metals?

The oute (valence) shell of the alkali metals contains just one electron

Free-electron gas in metals?

Electrons in metals are delocalized and in a free movement.

What type of metals such as sodium have a single valence electron and are reactive?

alkali metals