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First of all, one must define "societies". For the purpose of my answer, I will consider "societies" to be governmental institutions. The word "control" would have to be interpreted as well and in my opinion, the meaning of "control" in this context would be to contribute positively to the community in which one lives.

Now that we have interpreted these two terms in the question, we can delve into the question at hand. Governments guide their citizens towards the directions they want through policy and through authority. Policies, whether social or economic, guide citizens into the direction they want.Also included are legal requirements that force citizens to comply with various laws.

Social policies includes family planning (marriage between homosexuals or of unmarried people), healthcare (making people pay for healthcare at rates that only the governments regulate (USA) or dictate (socialized healthcare systems), education (student loans that are available but encumber students) and other aspects of society.

Economic policies consist of mostly taxes. Taxes can be broken down into customs and duties as well as personal income taxes. Customs and duties fees assessed by governments on imports, for example, prohibits individuals from importing whatever he/she wishes from overseas. This is an invisible tax on citizens. Furthermore, government regulation will limit competition and force people to pay more for what they can otherwise pay less for (200 USD glasses don't cost 200 USD in China). Furthermore, personal income taxes will guide citizens in specific directions in the US with benefits for homeowners, married couples, and business owners. Such incentives act as a control because they guide citizens to act or perform in a certain way and indirectly penalize those who don't.

On the legal side (authority), you must comply with what the government requires. This means that you will pay for airbags and seatbelts in your vehicle even though you might not want them but because the government mandates it. You must also have various insurance if you wish to rent a car, if you want a mortgage, or other things that the government requires. Because of this, it is a financial commitment and it forces you to act in a certain way.

Control is not a bad thing for a society in general but one must decide what he/she desires in life. By taking on a mortgage or student loans, one must realize that they are making themselves vulnerable. Such is the same in China with the hot real estate market where many use the term "house slaves" because of the extreme debt that is taken on by real estate owners. Historically, in Communism, people were forced to act a specific way because it was required. In society today, one must be careful because governments will not force you to act in a specific way but may prohibit you from doing various things therefore making you act in the way that they deem is best for their society. One can say exactly that about gay marriage.

By the way, I am not homosexual but I do feel that this is the perfect example of how society uses control to guide its citizens. I have already had one friend who voted with his feet, as the Tiebout model discusses, and has done what is best for him by getting married elsewhere. We have the choice and freedom to act and control is only placed on those who put it upon themselves.

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