

What muscle elevates the tongue?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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11y ago

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Styloglossus elevates and retracts tongue

Genioglossus protrudes and depresses centre of tongue

Hyoglossus depresses tongue

Palatoglossus elevates back of tongue and depresses soft palate and moves palatopharyngeal folds to midline.

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9y ago

The genioglossus depresses the tongue and thrusts it out. The styloglossus raises and withdraws the tongue. The palatoglossus raises its back. And, the hyoglossus lowers the tongue's sides. The tongue's intrinsic muscles, which include the longitudinalis superior, longitudinalis inferior, transversus linguae and verticalis linguae, are especially important for speech and deglutition, or swallowing food.

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