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If extraterrestrial existence is known by the world governments and/or NASA, it may be due to the mass panic and hysteria that would result in directly disclosing it. We're an incredibly stupid and violent species, if they're hiding anything it's probably for the best. Although knowing the US government, they'd probably be doing some sort of illegal exchange with an extraterrestrial civilization and trying to cover it up.

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Q: What nasa does not want us to know about aliens?
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This, we may never know.

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they could be curious like us, they could just want to know if they are alone, like us. My opinion is they don't mean harm.

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they could of been and the government didnt want us to panic

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They aren't. There is no evidence for the existence of aliens and certainly no ground bases. Because they don't want people to know what they do with the aliens and where they are because then we would go try and see the aliens and ruin their experiments with the aliens.