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Glial cells as they are responsible for providing support to the neuron, nourishing, and making sure homeostasis is maintained, thus they do not transmit impulses.

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Q: What nervous system cells do not transmit impulses?
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What are the cells that transmit nerve impulses between parts of the nervous system?


What cells transmit and receive impulses?

nervous tissue.

The cells that transmit nerve impluses in the nervous system are?

The cells that transmit nerve impluses in the nervous system are neurons.

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What does the tissues responsible for sensing stimuli?

The body tissue that has fibers that react to stimuli is called the "nervous tissue". The nervous tissue is composed of neurons or nerve cells that receive and transmit impulses and the "neuroglia" that help to transmit nerve impulses and also provide nutrition for the nerve cells.

What cells are the building blocks of the nervous system and transmit information throughout the body?

Neurons are the building blocks of the nervous system and transmit information.

Cells that transmit electrical signals through the nervous system to various organs in the body are called?

This is the nervous system.

What is the neurrons job in the nervous system?

to send impulses they are the cells of the nervous system. Wikipedia is a good site to look up neurons and nerve cells.

Which cells differentiate to transmit nerve impulses?

Brain Cells

How does the brain know when you have stepped on a sharp object?

Nerve cells in the foot sense injury, and using electrical impulses, transmit relevant information, through the nervous system, to the brain. The brain translates the impulses as pain.

What The two types of cells of the nervous system are?

Neurons or the nerve cells are the basic unit of nervous system. Based on their function (as in whether they transmit impulse from the CNS or to the CNS) neurons are classified as sensory neurons (carry impulses to the CNS), motor neurons (carry impulses from the CNS to the target organ) and mixed neurons which perform both the functions. The neurons can also be classified based on the number of associated axons or even presence or absences of axons.

What tissue connects electrochemical impulses?

Nervous tissue contains cells that send and receive electrochemical signals.