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What would cause loss of motor function in upper thighs

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Q: What neuological diseases cause loss of motor function in arms and legs?
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Are motor vehicle crashes the number 1 cause of death?

no, theres other things like diseases.

Can blood pressure cause a paralysis?

yes it can. If high blood pressure is left untreated, it can cause paralysis, loss of bodily function and motor skills are the result.

What does recovery from motor neuron diseases depend on?

Recovery from motor neuron diseases depends on the type of disease and the amount of muscle degeneration present

How can an injury to a peripheral nerve cause loss of both sensory and motor function?

An injury to a peripheral nerve causes loss of both sensory and motor functions since that specific part is supplied by the motor pathway such as spinothalalmic and corticospinal.

Is there any medicine for motor neuron diseases?

Currently no

Could the blower resistor on my 1989 Dodge Dakota cause the AC not to work?

Possibly. A bad blower motor resistor would cause the blower motor to either not function or function only on one speed (usually high speed). The air conditioning system is probably set up such that if the blower isn't functioning at all, the air conditioner won't function. Otherwise the air conditioner would overheat.

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What are motor neuron diseases?

Motor neuron diseases are a group of progressive disorders involving the nerve cells responsible for carrying impulses that instruct the muscles in the upper and lower body to move

What is the function of Motor Nerve Cells?


What is the function of armature winding?

The winding function of an electric motor is a description of how the number of conductors in the windings around the motor changes with position.

What are the special concerns surrounding patients with motor neuron diseases?

It is important to remember that even in the most severe motor neuron diseases, a person's personality, intelligence, reasoning ability, or memory are not impaired

What characterizes motor neuron diseases?

Motor neuron diseases are varied and destructive in their effect. They commonly have distinctive differences in their origin and causation, but a similar result in their outcome for the patient: severe muscle weakness