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That "Whoop whoop whoop" sound you are

hearing is the raccoon kits up the tree where the mother sends them when there is danger. That sound is like a homing signal so that they can find each other after they scatter from whatever the danger is. It might be a cat the mom is fighting with, or another raccoon or any number of things.

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Q: What nocturnal animal fights raccoons and makes 'woop woop woop' sound?
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What nocturnal animal in northern New Jersey fights raccoons and makes 'woop woop woop' sound?

It could be a barred owl.

What color are the raccoon's eyes at night?

No, the eye of a raccoon (or any other animal, for that matter) does not glow in the night. It's an optical trick that makes the eyes of animals appear to glow in the dark, and it's related to the method used to photo graph them. See the related question below for more information.

What is one fact about raccoons?

Raccoons are nocturnal They carry rabies . They eat from trash cans. They eat the eggs of songbirds and destroy their nests. They wash their food if it is convenient to do so.

What makes raccoons endangered?

Raccoons are common and not considered endangered.

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the animals group is night animals specially bats

What makes nocturnal animals different from daytime creatures?

nocturnal animals sleep at daytime and daytime animals sleep at nighttime or for short nocturnal animals are the opposite of humans!!

What makes an animal crepuscular?

Yes, deer are crepuscular (as opposed to diurnal or nocturnal) as they are most active during dawn and dusk.

What makes a bat a bat?

echolocation, ability to fly, nocturnal, etc

What part of the owl makes it nocturnal?

The part that keeps it awake all night!

What bird macks a hoot sound?

An owl is usually linked with making a 'hoot sound'.

Why do raccoons come out during the daylight?

The raccoon is mostly nocturnal. It is also solitary, except for mothers and their young. In the winter the raccoon may sleep in its den for a few weeks but it does not hibernate. The raccoons usually walks, but it can run at speeds of up to 15 miles an hour. It is also a good swimmer and often hunts for food in the water. The raccoon makes a variety of vocalizations including hisses, whistles, screams, growls and snarls. If disturbed by humans or other animals a raccoon will wander out during daylight hours. They are smart creatures and learn fast that sometime food is more available at certain times of day.

What nocturnal animal makes squeaks in the night?

Raccoons can make a hooting like call when they are communicating with each other across long distances. It sounds very similar to an Owl's hoot, except it ends with a purr-like growl at the end. Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoooo-purr.