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Autotroph or heterotroph

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Q: What nutrition mode is Eubacteria kingdom?
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What is mode of nutrition for PLANTAE?

The mode of nutrition for Kingdom Plantae Is mostly photosynthesis and also when the roots of the plant absorbs nutrients from the soil.

What is the mode of nutrition of kingdom monera?

Kingdom Animalia are chemoheterotroph in terms of their mode of nutrition. They consume organic compounds, carbonically for energy sources.

What is eubacteria's mode of nutrition?

A great many of the most familiar eubacteria are heterotrophs, meaning they must take food in from outside sources. Some are also autotrophs,they make there own food,unlike us.

Which group makes up the largest kingdom of prokaryotes?

Kingdom Monera

Which feature is a characteristic of kingdom Plantae?

Absorptive mode of nutrition is the characteristic feature of plant kingdom.

Do Eubacteria get nutrition from there parents?

yes they do!! (;

What is the kingdom of anthrax?

kingdom eubacteria

Which kingdom is stephlococus?

It is in the eubacteria kingdom.

Does Eubactirea have eukaryotic cells or Prokaryotic cells?

Eubacteria have prokaryotic cells. Eubacteria IS Kingdom Bacteria! The Eu- was there to distinguish it from Archaebacteria when Archaebacteria were in the same kingdom as Eubacteria and not in its own kingdom of Archae, as they are now. (The old kingdom that contained both Eubacteria and Archaebacteria was called Kingdom Monera)

What is thedifference between kingdom Plantae and kingdom eubacteria?

eubacteria likes it in the butt. i said what what in the butt.