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Sperm, or more appropriate to your question, semen, is about 95% water. There are trace amounts of zinc, Vitamin C and some other minerals and elements, but it's mostly water. It's probably not enough to keep you alive, but it won't kill you either. Remember, its mission in life is to swim up the vagina, find an egg and beat its head against the door until it gets in. It's not designed as a sports drink....

Additional opinions from WikiAnswers contributors:* Yes, it has lots of vitamins and also proteins and amino acids. It is really good for you. It has anti-depressant properties as well that improve your mood. * Recent scientific studies from the FDA show that the consumption of sperm is directly correlated with weight loss. The results on average showed that consumption of 9 grams of sperm per week led to losing 1 pound of body fat. * ** The above statement would prove very useful line on girls -if it were true- which it isn't. Sperm does NOT cause weight loss and is NOT a proven antidepressant * To correct the "antidepressant" issue, sperm HAS been associated with elevated mood in a recent study, but this was only concerning unprotected vaginal intercourse, not swallowing. Participants in the study agreed to have only either protected vaginal intercourse or unprotected vaginal intercourse. Females whose partner ejaculated inside the vagina were significantly happier, on a consistent basis, than those whose partner used a condom. The effect is assumed to be because of hormones contained within the ejaculate fluid, which would be absorbed by the female body. In the case of oral sex, the hormones would be broken down by the digestive tract before they could have any effect.

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13y ago

"Composition of Semen According to Sandor Gardos, Ph.D, the former About Sexuality Guide, it contains very modest quantities of the following substances...

ascorbic acid, blood-group antigens, calcium, chlorine, cholesterol, choline, citric acid, creatine, deoxyribonucleic acid, fructose, glutathione, hyaluronidase, inositol, lactic acid, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, purine, pyrimidine, pyruvic acid, sodium, sorbitol, spermidine, spermine, urea, uric acid, vitamin B12, and zinc."

"Seminal fluid... is composed of dozens of chemical components. The base of seminal fluid is primarily fructose (sugar) and proteins, with many other trace minerals and substances. Here's a listing of some of semen's ingredients:

Sugars: Fructose, sorbitol, inositol Proteins and amino acids: glutathione, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), creatine Minerals: Phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, calcium, potassium Vitamins: Ascorbic acid (vitamin C), vitamin B12, choline Hormones: Testosterone, prostaglandins Body byproducts: Lactic acid, urea, uric acid, nitrogen...

Semen is a source of highly concentrated, high-quality protein. In dietary terms, it's comparable to egg whites or Gelatin. Besides protein, semen contains high concentrations of some minerals, such as zinc, and trace amounts of other important nutrients, like calcium and magnesium."

Don't Spit, Swallow:

"The amount of nutritive substance in semen varies as much as 100 percent from sample to sample; the amount of fructose (one of the main sugars found in honey) in semen varies over a range of 400 percent. Finally, the volume of ejaculate itself varies from 3 to 5 cubic centimeters."

The Straight Dope:

"The chemical composition of ejaculate varies from individual to individual and within the same individual from time to time. Semen is essentially seminal plasma and spermatozoa. Approximately 8 percent of the substance is dry weight. According to the fine print on the label, it contains minute quantities of more than 30 elements such as fructose, ascorbic acid, cholesterol, creatine, citric acid, urea, uric acid, sorbitol, pyruvic acid, glutathione, inositol, lactic acid, nitrogen, B12, various salts and enzymes."

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