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Q: What are not an adaptation to flight in birds?
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Is solid bones adaptation related to flight birds?

No it makes them fly

Is feathers an adaptation related to flight in birds?

The birds feathers are used for, insulation , this is for when they fly and when thier on the ground, it also helps pretect the skin, from getting damaged.

Why are birds so light compared with similarly sized mammals?

Birds have a number of traits that make them lighter, an adaptation for flight. The mait trait that makes birds lighter is that their bones are hollow.

Do humans have hollow bones?

no i don't think so only birds have hollow bones as an adaptation to flight

What is the one adaptation all birds have that no other animal has?

Feathers are the only adaptation that all birds have. Birds have wings. They are the only vertebrates that do have wings, even though in some birds they are non-functional. However, they are not the only living creatures to have wings, as many insects do as well. Thee are some adaptations that are not found in all species of birds, but which are unique to birds. Flighted birds have light weight hollow bones developed for flight, but this is not found in all birds. Some birds have complex adaptation of the larynx which allows high speed complex bird calls to be created, but again, this is not found in all birds.

Feathers wings and the hollow bones of birds are examples of?

Adaptation is when a species develops or adjusts to a niche in the environment.

Which adaptation is unique to birds?


What is significant about the birds first flight?

what is the significant of birds first flight

Why is the lack of teeth in birds an adaptation for flight?

makes them better streamlined i would guess

Are humming birds colorblind?

No. Birds see color. This is a necessary adaptation for humming birds, which get their nutrition from flowers.

How can you put adaptation in a sentence?

The adaptation of eggs of birds laid on the beach is the point on one end.

What adaptation helps birds survive?

an adaptation that can help a bird survive is its beak .