

What paints are lead free?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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All house paints sold in the United States and Canada are lead free. The only paints that contain lead are used in industrial applications and are should not be available for purchase to the general public.

Lead is used in some artist oil whites, however, this is rare and the artist who uses them has to pay a premium to acquire them . Lead is not used in water based paints.

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Q: What paints are lead free?
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Are all paints lead free?

No, all paints are not lead free. In fact, there are only a few companies who manufacture lead free paints. Majority of the companies have some if not excessive amount of lead in their paints.

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There is no lead in any paint in the U.S. it's been illegal since 1978

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the use of lead in paint has been iliegl for a number of years since 80s all exterior paints are lead free now

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No modern paints contain lead. A number of colours of paint contained lead compounds, including red yellow and white paints. The compositions of the paints varied from manufacturer to manufacturer.

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No modern paints contain lead. A number of colours of paint contained lead compounds, including red yellow and white paints. The compositions of the paints varied from manufacturer to manufacturer.

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ANSWER:The use of lead has been reduced over the years because exposure to lead can cause health and reproductive problems. The reason is lead is a heavy metal and once introduced into your body, it is almost impossible to remove it again. Lead has been removed from most paints produced in the US, although some foreign countries do not feel this is in their best interests to use lead free paints and products to the detriment of their citizens. The US has also removed lead from the gasoline we use. See the related link for more information on lead poisioning.

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