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Q: What part of a rainforest do most of the larger animals live in?
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Where do the leaf eating animals of the rainforest would most likely live?

most animals live in trees

Why animals live in trees in the rainforest?

Most animals in the tropical rainforest live in the trees because of the canopies the top of the trees make which lets less light shine down on the ground. This is why most plants on the forest floor have larger leaves, so that they obsorb more sunlight. So, the animals live in the trees because their food grows there and there homes are located there also.

In which layer of a tropical rainforest do most animals live?

the canapy.

What animals live in the Mexican rainforest?

There are lots of animals in the Mexican rainforest. The most popular is the rainforests from the Yucatan peninsula, it has Mexican agoutis, kinkajous, and mantled howler monkeys. I am going there this Christmas.

Which rainforest layer has the most diversity of life?

The Canopy layer has the most biodiversity in the rainforest. The animals that live there almost never have to leave the layer. Such as, monkeys, sloths, and birds.

Where does the rainforest's animals mainly lives in?

Most rainforest animals live in the trees, such as insects, snakes etc. This helps smaller animals when the rainforests flood and predators such as large fish are in the waters below. The trees also provide the animals with food.

What rare animals live in the rainforest?

most of the animals that live in the rain forest are rare but to name just one the Jaguar

What plants and animals live in the canopy of the rainforest?

most of them. I can name a few for you. Jagwars, some frogs, tocans, and many other rain forest animals.

Does Monkey Live In Tropical Rainforest?

Yes, monkeys live in tropical rain forests. Monkeys and apes are some of the most common rain forest animals.

Why are most animals in the rainforest endangered?

five tongof

Why do so many species live in rainforest's?

because most animals have certain adaptations to rainforests therefor they live there. P.S.: they also need a certain kind of environment. :)

What do gorrilas live in?

gorillas live in trees in rain forests and in alot of other places