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Volcano is a noun.

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Unique Walter

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Q: What part of speech is volcanoes?
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What part of speech is variety in this sentence- Shield volcanoes are the third variety of volcanoes?

In the given sentence, "variety" is a noun acting as "objective complement" or "predicate nominative".

What part of the US is known for its volcanoes?

The part of the United States that is known for its volcanoes is New Mexico. New Mexico is known as the land of volcanoes.

Where would you find the most active volcanoes in the eastern part central part or the western part?

there are no active volcanoes in montana

What part of the world are volcanoes part of?

volcanoes are holes of the earths crust that are forced up to cause a volcano so volcanoes take up all of the world

What part of Italy is mostly known for it's volcanoes?

Most of Italys known volcanoes are in the central part of the Italian mainland.

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The part of speech for this particular word is a noun.

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Are volcanoes part of erosion?

yes they are