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small of the back on both sides very badly

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Q: What part of the back hurts with kidney infection?
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Do you have a cervicitis infection when both the lower part of your back and the ovary part of the front are both painfully hurting or is it a kidney infection?

It could be anything, go to the doctor.

What part of the arm hurts the most when punched?

The back arm hurts the most for some reason.

What is tubular kidney disease?

Tubular kidney disease-- Disease of the kidney that affect the tubules, the part of the kidney that allows certain substances to be reabsorbed back into the blood

What is a uranine tract infection?

a bladder burns when you hurts sometimes can cause back pain and stomach pain.and sometimes cause you to bleed.

Is trigone part of the kidney?

The trigone is part of the urinary bladder, not part of the kidney.

Is the cortex part of the kidney?

renal and kidney are the same so the answer is Yes. the cortex is the outer part of the kidney as opposed to the medulla, the inner part.

In which part of the kidney is all of the glucose actively reabsorbed from the filtrate back into the blood?

Proximal convoluted tubule

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the part that hurts

What is the part of speech of hurts?


What is the job of cortex?

The cortex is a part of a kidney around the inside of a kidney.

What are the signs of Urinary Infection?

Some common signs of a urinary infection are: Blood in the urine, pain or burning with urination, pressure and cramping in the abdomen, constant need to void bladder, back or groin pain, to name a few.

What is glomerular kidney disease?

Glomerular kidney disease-- Disease of the kidney that affects the glomeruli, the part of the kidney that filters certain substances out of the blood.