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The pupil changes size because of a little organ called the iris. The iris works like a gate or like the shutter on a camera. It is nearly closed when the light is very bright. It is wide open in very little light.

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the iris

from LRMS NC (Leesville Road Middle School) Mr.Rutten(7th grade science teacher)

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Q: What expands and contracts to change the size of the pupil?
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Does pupil size remain constant while focusing fixed near point object?

Yes, pupil size should not be affected by the focal distance, unless there is a change in the amount of light at that distance. To change focal distance, the lens contracts or expands. The pupil dilates and constricts based upon how much ambient light there is.

What happens when The radial muscles of the iris contract?

When the eye is stimulated by bright light, the circular muscle of the iris contracts, decreasing the size of the pupil.

Why is it important that pupil can change size?

If your retina were overexposed to light you would see just a glare. If not enough light got in than everything would seem very dark. So the pupil expands or contracts to make sure just the right amount of light gets in.

What happened to it when the light was flashed into eye?

When the eye detects bright light, the iris expands causing the hole at its centre (the pupil) to shrink in size. The brighter the light the smaller the pupil becomes. This happens because, in a dark place, the eye needs to take in as much light as possible to see better so the pupil expands; in a light place, the eye could be damaged due to over exposure to light so the pupil shrinks. The scientific word for "shrinks" is "contracts"

Does plastic exspnd to temter changs?

Yes. Plastics don't have as large a size change in response to temperature changes as metals do, but everything expands and contracts at least a little.

Colored part of the eye that contracts or relaxes in response to light?

The Iris contains the muscles that control Pupil size.

What happens to the lensecornea and pupil when lights hits it?

Nothing. AFTER the light is detected and calibrated, the pupil may change size.

Can emotion change pupil size?

Yes. ALL lovers should have noticed this.

What causes the pupil to constrict and dilate?

The pupils of your eyes become smaller due to light. When it is dark, the pupil opens wider to allow more light in so that it is easier for us to see. When it is bright, the pupil contracts in order to keep too much light from damaging the sensitive parts in the back of the eye. It has also been noted that drugs, such as hallucinogens and opiates can cause a change in the size of the pupil, usually making them open wider despite the level of light.

What part of the eye contracts and dialates to adjust the amount of light entering the pupil?

This is the iris, which is composed of layers of smooth muscles and react by reflex. We cannot control the size of our pupils voluntarily. The iris is the colored portion of the eye around the pupil. When bright light strikes the eye, the iris contracts very rapidly to make the pupil as small as possible. It only takes about 3 seconds, and it is a defense response to protect the delicate retinal cells from bright light. When we move into darkness or very dim light, the iris expands to allow more light into the pupil to improve our night vision. To completely dilate, the iris requires about 20 minutes, so there is a huge difference in the rapidity of the muscles of the iris to respond to light levels.

How do people see?

First, light passes through the transparent cornea. It then reaches the pupil. This expands or contracts depending on the amount of light that enters the eye. The iris controls the size of the pupil, to regulate how much light reaches the lens. The lens bends light rays and focuses them on the back of the eye, or the retina. The retina, then, changes light into nerve impulses through a complex process. These impulses are transmitted along the optic nerve to the brain, which interprets the impulses as images.

A) Size of pupil becomes __________________when you see in dim light?

size of pupil becomes larger when you see in dim light