

What part of your ear do sound waves enter through?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Ear canal

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Q: What part of your ear do sound waves enter through?
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Which part of your ear do sound waves enter through?

Sound waves technically enter through the Auricle, the outside, visible part of the ear. From there, they hit the Tympanic Membrane (ear drum) and vibrate the ossicles (small bones in the ear), where the waves are transferred into the cochlea and organ of corti, where they're detected and changed to nerve impulses.

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Could it be that the frequency of sound waves are to low?

Are infrared waves sound waves?

No; sound is a mechanical wave, infrared is a part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

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Sound and light waves are an example of channel.

Compare and contrast light and sound waves?

Comparison:Both light waves and sound waves are a method of energy transfer.Both types of waves change their speed when traveling through various media.Contrast:Light waves are electromagnetic waves, and do not require a medium (matter) in order to travel. Sound waves MUST have a medium in order to travelThe speed of a light wave is faster than the speed of a sound wave.Light waves are transverse waves. Sound waves are longitudinal waves.

What fleshy part of the ear helps you hear sound?

gathers sound waves.

What contains sound energy?

As you may know, the sound energy is basically a wave or many waves traveling through the air( or anything that is not a void ) and those waves carry energy not matter. the sound waves or sound energy is a part of kinetic energy because the energy is not waiting to be unleashed, in fact it's moving within the air or any other material

What wave is not part of the electromagnetic spectrum?

Sound wave, waves on the surface of water, earthquake waves

Which part of the ear trap sound waves?

ear drum

Which part of the ear vibrates at the frequency of sound waves?

The eardrum

What part of musical instrument amplifies sound waves?
