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Q: What percentage of people get tangled headphones a year?
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What percentage of people die each year from obesity?

percentage of people that die from obesity each year

In what year were headphones invented?

Headphones were first used by the military in the late 1920s

What percentage of people lie a year?

There are no statistics for how many people lie a year.

Do Sony noise cancelling headphones come with a one year warranty?

Sony noise cancelling headphones do come with a one year warranty. In addition, sometimes you can purchase an additional warranty from the retailer you purchased the headphones from.

What is the percentage of people with multiple credit cards?

In the year 2010 the percentage of people with multiple credit cards is 68%.

What year was the headphones invented?

late 1930's

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Percentage of how many people get into Stanford?

depends on how many people apply. my year 2005 was about 10%, this year 2009 was about 7%

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What percentage of people become vets a year?

52.3% of people that one to become a vet get accepted.

What year was time tangled island on poptropica?

Time Tangled Island was the 3rd island in Poptropica and debuted in 2007, and was originally called Time Twisted Island.

What percentage of people die of second hand smoking each year?

About 75%