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According to recent research it is estimated that 30-43 % or over 5.7 million are involved in school bullying as either a bully, a target of bully, or both. A recent national survey of students from grades 6 -10 grades showed 13% reported bullying others, 11% reported being the target of bullies, and other 6% said they bullied others and were bullied as well. Limited available data suggest that teen bullying is much more common among younger teens than older teens. As teens grow they are less likely to bully others or be targets of bullies. School bullying occurs more among boys and girls and boys are more likely to report being hit, slapped, or pushed. Girls are more often the targets of rumors or sexual comments. While teen boys target both boys and girls, girls most often target girls.

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Q: What percentage of teens are bullied?
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Yes. all the time.

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About 100,00 teens are bullied each year.

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43% of teens have been victims of Cyber bullying in the last year. And I would know that because I have been bullied for a least 4-5 years since I was in 5th grade and now I am in 8th grade and Its still happening sometimes I want to kill my self Friday I bit my self.

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An accurate number or percentage would be impossible to give. Many incidences remain unreported. But in any case certainly several thousands.

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Probably around 90%.... That's sad!

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they just say they are bullied to act holy, they are the bully's

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Unfortunately, a hell of a lot.

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