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100%, since there are no blue birds shown in the pie chart - which, itself, is not shown.

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Q: What percentage of the birds shown in the pie chart are not blue?
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Are there blue birds in Epping Forest?

No, there are no blue birds in the UK.

Do birds like the coulor blue?

They certainly do, but depending on the species they like it more or less. Science experiments have shown that hummingbirds prefer and get attracted to red feeders(or the color red), then blue,and lastly is trasparent.

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Robins' eggs are bright blue. blue birds

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blue birds don't live in africa

What is pie chart and pie diagrame?

A pie chart and diagram are the same thing. It is a circle shown that is cut into several pieces, usually divided by color, and each section represents a percentage. The more of section there is, the higher the percent. If the circle was half red, and half blue, that would mean that 50% answered one thing, and 50% answered the other. It is a great way for keeping track of anything when usually conducting surveys with many people.

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What kinds of birds are Buzz and Boomer?

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