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There were many pharaohs of ancient Egypt, from Menes and Narmer, to Tutankhamun, Hatshepsut, Ramses ii, Tuthmosis iii, Akhenaten, to Greeks such as Ptolemy and the Cleopatras.

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King Tutankhamun (King Tut) ♥

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Q: What is a pharaoh from the Egyptian old kingdom?
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Who was the pharaoh who established the old kingdom?

There was no "Pharoah" in the old kingdom.

What was the ancient Egyptian name of the old leader?

The Pharaoh.

Which Egyptian kingdom were the pyramids built?

Old Kingdom.

What are the three eras of Egyptian history?

Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, and New Kingdom

Which pharaoh ruled during the Old Kingdom?

The Old Kingdom period in Egypt (which is what I assume you're referring to) lasted about 500 years; obviously, there was more than one Pharaoh during that time (there were actually about 30). The first pharaoh that's associated with "the Old Kingdom" was Djoser.

Who was the greatest Egyptian conqueror of the new kingdom?

King Tut He was also the youngest king pharaoh to be.

Who was the pharaoh before King Khufu?

No. Khufu was from the Old Kingdom and Tutankhamun was in the New Kingdom.

Who ruled Egypt in the old kingdom?

King Khufu of courseThe King not a Pharaoh ruled during the time of the old kingdom.

What is an pharaoh?

Pharaoh is the title of Egyptian kings.

What does unification refer to in the Egyptian kingdom?

When Upper and Lower Egypt are reigned over by the same pharaoh, and he/she wears the double crown.

Which kingdom in Ancient Egyptian history lasted the longest?

the kingdom that lasted the longest was the old kingdom

What is the context of the old kingdom pyramids?

They built them as burial chambers for the Pharaoh.