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Q: What placed a 25 percent duty on most imported factory goods?
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WHich act placed 25 percent duty on most imported factory goods?

The Dallas Tariff placed a 25 percent duty on most imported factory goods. It was passed in 1816 and is also called the Tariff of 1816.

Which act placed a 25 percent duty on most imported factory goods?

Tariff of 1816

What are protective tariiffs?

They are taxes placed on imported goods to increase the price and protect locally produced goods which may cost more than the imported similar goods.

In 1767 what placed taxes on imported goods such as glass?

Townshend Act

Most tariffs are placed on?

imported goods such as trading and imports

What was a high tax placed on imported goods that made the south angry?


Why were tariffs placed on goods imported from non ecc countries?

i dont even know

What is the difference between a tariff and an excise tax?

A tariff is the tax placed on the shipment of imported goods that are imported. An excise tax is an indirect tax that is charged upon the sale of one good.

What are tariffs and how do countries use them?

A: A tariff is a tax that is placed on an imported good, they use tariffs because imported goods have a tax so citizens are more likely to purchase that countries goods for the cheaper price. -BrockChloe

Sugar act of 1764?

The Sugar Act of 1764 placed tariffs and duties on goods imported into the colonies by England.

Imposed in 1767 by the British that it placed duties on imported goods such as tea and glass and paper and lead and paint?

Townshed Acts

What is the purpose of tariffs placed on some imported goods?

To protect Northern factories pre-civil war, from going out of buissness.