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'Inner planets' are traditionally defined as Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.

This is because of a vast difference in orbital distances separating 'Inner' planets from the 'Outer' planets.

It has been theorized that the Asteroid Belt, between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, is the remains of a fifth inner planet that was destroyed by collisions with other minor 'Planetoids' or asteroids. and earth is cool

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The innermost planet is Mercury

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Q: Which planet is one of the inner planets?
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Is Venus one of the inner planets?

Yes, Venus is one of the inner planets. "inner" means being close to the Sun, Venus is the second closest planet to the Sun. The inner planets are also the "rocky" planets. The inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.

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Venus is one of the "Inner" planets, along with Mercury, Earth and Mars. The "Outer" planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto (which has recently been stripped of it's true "planet" status!) Inner planets are also known as "Terrestrial Planets" because they have a rocky surface. The difference between inner and outer planets is there location within or beyond the asteroid belt. Of course, inner planets are within the belt, while the outer ones are beyond the belt.

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Earth is an inner planet because it has an atmosphere. Earth Rocks!

Is Venus an inner planet?

Yes, Venus is one of the four rocky inner planets. Venus is the second planet from the sun.

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Venus is one of the four inner planets, also known as a terrestrial or rocky planet.

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Mars is the fourth planets from the sun and the furthest of the four inner planets.

Are the inner planet farther from the sun than the outer planets?

no the inner planets are called "inner" planets bcuz there closer

Is venus the inner or the outer planets?

It is an inner planet.

Is Uranus a outer planet or a inner planet?

Uranus is one of the four outer planets.

Is Jupiter one of the inner planets or an outer planet?

Jupiter's one of the outer planets because its a gas giant there you have the answer

Is Mercury rocky or gaseous?

Mercury is a rocky planet. The inner planets (first four planets from the sun) are rocky planets (which means that you could stand on them) and are the smallest. While the outer planets (last four planets from the sun) are gas planets and the biggest.