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Neptune, based on observations of Uranus.

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Q: What planet was predicted based on gravitational forces and newtons laws?
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How does centripetal force on a satellite in orbit?

by means of the gravitational forces between it and the planet

How does centripetal force act on a satellite orbit?

by means of the gravitational forces between it and the planet

Which planet has shepherd satellites?

The planet Saturn has. These little moons affect ("shepherd") the rings of Saturn due to gravitational forces.

What is a 2 force?

A force of vectors and gravitational forces on this planet. It is a fairly unheard of, and is consequently a unexplored force of nature that effects our planet.

What is a 13 letter word that is a type of force that keeps the sun and planet in their places?

`Gravitational` forces.

How do balanced forces help the planets?

The forces on the planets are not balanced. The gravitational force between the sun and each planet is what keeps the planet in orbit around the sun. If the forces on a planet were balanced, then the planet would sail off in a straight line, and would never be seen or heard from again.

Why are forces balanced or unbalanced on planets?

The forces on the planets are not balanced. The gravitational force between the sun and each planet is what keeps the planet in orbit around the sun. If the forces on a planet were balanced, then the planet would sail off in a straight line, and would never be seen or heard from again.

How are planet's kept in orbit?

planets are in orbit because of the suns gravitational field chupa naman diyan Planets are kept in their orbits by gravitational forces.

How many newtons for 200 kilogram?

it really depends what planet your on. Fw=Mg Fw=Newtons M=kg g=gravitational force of the planet your on 2000kg in Newtons on earth is: Fw=2000*9.8 Fw=19600N

What is the order of gravitational forces of the planets in your solar system?

The bigger the planet/star the larger the gravational force.

What force is operating between Sun and planets is it centripetal or centrifugal force?

The forces of attraction between the sun and each planet are gravitational forces, and they're both centripetal forces.

What provides the centripetal force required for planetary motion?

the mutual forces of gravitational attraction between the planet and the sun