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(nonvascular) liverwort moss hornwort (vascular) flowering plant fern pine tree.

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Q: What plants are in the plant kingdom?
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Which organisms are in the plant kingdom?

Organisms in the plant kingdom include grasses, trees, ferns, mosses, and flowering plants. These organisms are characterized by their ability to photosynthesize and produce their own food.

What kingdom is orchid plants?

Why, the plant kingdom of course! Plantae. ======

What is the kingdom of cherry tree?

All plants are in the plant kingdom.

Why is the plant kingdom grouped as the plant kingdom?

a plant kingdom is called a kingdom because it has big population of plants which is classified in different groups and levels to simplify for their study.

What kingdom does a plant cell belong to?

Plant cells belong to plants, therefore they belong to the kingdom Plantae.

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What is a example of a plant kingdom?

All plants are considered to belong to the plant kingdom. Examples of plants include grass, trees, tulips, carrots, etc.

What kingdom are plant cells?

Plants belong to the kingdom Plantae. Animals belong to the kingdom Animalia. Plant cells do not have lysosomes and centrioles.

Which organisms are classified in the plant kingdom?

All plants

What is Orchid plants?

Why, the plant kingdom of course! Plantae. ======

Are Flowering plants by far the most abundant organisms in the plant kingdom?

Yes, flowering plants are the most abundant organisms in the plant kingdom by virtue of their better adaptability.

What plants do not bear flowers?

All plants included under the plant kingdom except Phanerogamae ( flowering plants ) are devoid of flowers.