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Q: What plants were once used as herbs to treat liver ailments?
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These plants were once used as herbs to treat liver ailments?


What diseases does buckthorn treat?

Constipation, liver ailments.

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he gonna make a concoction wit em

What digestive ailments does peppermint treat?

Peppermint is employed in the treatment of various digestive ailments, such as irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, diverticulitis, liver and gallbladder complaints, loss of appetite, spastic colon, diarrhea, gas

What is a bears gallbladder used for?

It can be used to treat liver ailments, it is also popular on the black market as a sexual stimulate which is popular in China and can sell for around $3,500

What respiratory ailments does peppermint treat?

Peppermint is an expectorant and decongestant. It is used to help treat many respiratory ailments including asthma, bronchitis , sinusitis, and coughs.

Is Herbal Medicine legal in Texas?

Herbs are foods, not drugs. Unless food was outlawed in Texas, it would not be possible to outlaw the use of herbs for therapeutic purposes, as the herbal practitioner would only be using common foodstuffs to treat ailments. This does not mean that all herbs are legal in Texas or anywhere else, as certain specific herbs may always be banned or restricted if they are regarded as having dangerous properties.

Are pesticides pharmaceuticals?

No, those are medicine to treat ailments in people.

What is the good effect of Medicine?

Medication was invented to treat and cure different illnesses and ailments. In ancient times, before the invention of pharmaceutical medications, plants in nature were used. A lot of modern day medications are derived from these plants.

What is hepatoprotective?

It is the ability to prevent damage to the LIVER , The pharmaceutical imbalance between remedies that protect the liver and have antioxidant properties and drugs that induce hepatotoxicity has prompted and accelerated research into plants used in folk medicines to treat liver diseases and boost liver functions.

Who is the first person to invent medicine?

Humans (and indeed some chimpanzees) have used special plants to treat ailments since ancient times and therefore nobody knows who was the first person to do this.

What eats Labrador tea?

Labrador Tea is a common plant in the tundra that is eaten by most herbivores that live in the tundra. Native Americans used the leaves to make tea, to heal skin problens, and treat ailments of the stomach and liver.