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Vincent Van Gogh was the son of a Protestant Minister in Holland. Vincent believed he had a religious calling and worked as a missionary in the slums of London and the mining districts of Belgium.

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a lawyer and he was annoyed that he became an artist.

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Q: What did Henri Matisse's father want Henri to be before Henri became an artist?
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Please list Obama's writings before he became president?

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What is the relation of king David and Jesus father Joseph in the bible?

(Matthew 1:1-16)1 The book of the history of Jesus Christ, son of David, son of Abraham: 2 Abraham became father to Isaac;Isaac became father to Jacob;Jacob became father to Judah and his brothers;3 Judah became father to Pe′rez and to Ze′rah by Ta′mar;Pe′rez became father to Hez′ron; Hez′ron became father to Ram;4 Ram became father to Am·min′a·dab;Am·min′a·dab became father to Nah′shon;Nah′shon became father to Sal′mon;5 Sal′mon became father to Bo′az by Ra′hab;Bo′az became father to O′bed by Ruth;O′bed became father to Jes′se;6 Jes′se became father to David the king.David became father to Sol′o·mon by the wife of U·ri′ah;7 Sol′o·mon became father to Re·ho·bo′am;Re·ho·bo′am became father to A·bi′jah;A·bi′jah became father to A′sa;8 A′sa became father to Je·hosh′a·phat;Je·hosh′a·phat became father to Je·ho′ram;Je·ho′ram became father to Uz·zi′ah;9 Uz·zi′ah became father to Jo′tham;Jo′tham became father to A′haz;A′haz became father to Hez·e·ki′ah;10 Hez·e·ki′ah became father to Ma·nas′seh;Ma·nas′seh became father to A′mon;A′mon became father to Jo·si′ah;11 Jo·si′ah became father to Jec·o·ni′ah and to his brothers at the time of the deportation to Babylon.12 After the deportation to Babylon Jec·o·ni′ah became father to She·al′ti·el; She·al′ti·el became father to Ze·rub′ba·bel;13 Ze·rub′ba·bel became father to A·bi′ud;A·bi′ud became father to E·li′a·kim;E·li′a·kim became father to A′zor;14 A′zor became father to Za′dok;Za′dok became father to A′chim;A′chim became father to E·li′ud;15 E·li′ud became father to El·e·a′zar;El·e·a′zar became father to Mat′than;Mat′than became father to Jacob;16 Jacob became father to Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom Jesus was born, who is called Christ.