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Like dissolves like. Water and oil do not mix because water molecules are polar (i.e., having either a positive or negative charge) and oil molecules are non-polar.

Detergent molecules have a polar end and a non-polar end; think of a jellyfish with its head representing the polar side and its tails representing the non-polar end. In water, detergent molecules group themselves to form cage-like micelles, exposing the polar heads to water and shielding the non-polar tails.

Detergent's non-polar ends stick to oil, and the detergent's polar head is soluble in water. With sufficient amount of detergent, the detergent molecules trap the oil molecules in cage-like micelles that are soluble in water. Rinse off the detergent with trapped oil and wallah! No more oil and grease! :-)

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16y ago
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14y ago

What ever kind of detergent you use will break up the grease. From personal experiences with all of them, I suggest that you try Dawn and if you're not happy with that you can try Palmolive.

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13y ago

My answer is that to not to much soup or else it would not take of the stins of very well. If you do it right then the stins would come of of clothes.

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11y ago

detergents are surfactants that lessen the surface tension of water and helps in

making oil and water mix so that oil or grease can be easily removed from a surface or an object.

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11y ago

by echebureche

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Q: Which dish detergent breaks up oil the best?
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What does oil react with?

Oil reacts with detergent, but that's about it.

How does food coloring work?

ok so first you put a few drops on and stir it and the molocules change the color just like that

Explain how liquid detergent emulsifies coconut oil and water?

Liquid detergent consists of a hydrophilic sulphurous head and a hydrophobic hydrocarbon tail. When detergent is added to coconut oil and water, the head dissolves in water and the tail dissolves in the oil. When the water is agitated, the coconut oil begins to emulsify because the charges on the surface of the coconut oil are now the same, repelling each other, forming globules.

How detergent changes an oil water suspension into an emulsion?

Oil and water do not mix when detergent is added. What really happens is that (in the usual case) the detergent (which has "oil-like" and "water-like" parts to each molecule) causes the oil to disperse through the water in tiny droplets which have the detergent on the surface of the droplets, making them much more stable than tiny droplets of oil would be in water. The detergent is usually charged, which makes the droplets repel each other, preventing the tiny oil droplets from reuniting into larger droplets, which is what happens if you vigorously shake an oil water mixture, like salad dressing - that's why oil and vinegar salad dressing has to be used right after preparation. Oil, water, and detergent is still not a true mixture, since the oil and the water are not really "mixed" in the true sense of the word, but they appear mixed to the eye since the oil particles are too small to be seen with the naked eye. There is one more requirement for this apparent "mixing" after adding detergent: there has to be a LOT more water or a LOT more oil in the mixture. You can't make an apparent mixture of a 50:50 blend of oil and water by adding detergent, for example. This means that you can have tiny droplets of water surrounded by detergent in a large amount of oil as well as the more usual case outlined above. That is called a "reverse emulsion" while the more common case above is a "simple emulsion." It's also the reason why detergent is effective to clean clothes. It "emulsifies" the oils (which soiled clothes are contaminated with) allowing them to be flushed away. Zentrails

How can we make oil and water mix together?

Shake vigorously (this is the techique used to mix a bottle of salad dressing, which does normally include both oil and water - water being the main component of vinegar). Doing this does not actually cause the oil and water to combine but breaks the oil up into tiny droplets and disburses them in the water. If you want to actually cause them to mix, you must add something like soap, to destroy the surface tension of the bubbles.

Related questions

Which detergent breaks up oil the fastest?

i tink it is palmolive dishwashing detergent

Is peanut oil in Dawn dish detergent?

ya ya

Does dawn detergent clean oil?

Yes it breaks it up

What will clean up oil the best?

If you are cleaning the oil off of something then use done dish detergent. That's what people use to clean oil off of beards after an oil spill.

What does detergent do to oil water?

Detergent emulsifies it which means it breaks it up into smaller globules so it can be isolated and removed.

What kind of soap cleans oil like vegetable oil on cotton?

You need to use a grease cutting dish detergent.

How do you remove motor oil out of fabric?

Use "Dawn" dish detergent on the spot and then wash as usual

Which detergent is better tide or gain?

My best guess is Tide because it breaks up oil stains the best! (I hope this helps people chose a better detergent instead of high prised waste of crape that dosen's work) Lady E :)<3

To remove olive oil from restaurant table tops?

The best cleaner would be ordinary liquid dish detergent, especially if it is designed for "grease cutting". But even if not, plain liquid dish detergents should be able to emulsify the fat of the olive oil, enabling its removal.

Is it true that Dawn dish detergent maybe used to reduce back acne as it breaks up the oil that can cause break outs?

If the Dawn dish detergent is in it's diluted form then it would be safe to use. As for it's effectiveness, that would differ from person to person. Yes, it would dry out the acne and possible reduce the oil. However, it would also dry out your skin, so it would be wise to use a moisturizer as well.

How does dish detergent work?

The reason why dish detergent work is because the have a ingredient called surfactants. Surfactants are an active ingredient in dish detergents they help oil and water mix. After the oil and water mix the oil based food grease becomes surrounded by water droplets and carried away giving you clean dishes. The reason why dish detergent work is because the have a ingredient called surfactants. Surfactants are an active ingredient in dish detergents they help oil and water mix. After the oil and water mix the oil based food grease becomes surrounded by water droplets and carried away giving you clean dishes. this is a lame answer and needs to be revised

How detergent works in oil spills?

It breaks up the oil and causes it to scatter more quickly, putting large quantities of detergent in to the can water can cause environmental and health problems