

Best Answer
  • Mainly to sense things. But don't pull them. you will throw their balance off!
  • In general whiskers help them sense things in their surroundings. Whiskers on dogs and cats also measure how wide a narrow tunnel / burrow or hole is, and can improve their spacial awareness by acting not unlike a record player stylus detecting small vibrations and air movements around them.
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Q: What purpose do a dog's whiskers serve?
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The whiskers of cats and dogs serve?

cats and dogs whiskers serve the same purpose that a bugs antenna do. Imagine this. Close your eyes and put four fingers on each cheek. Walk around. You don't bump your face into anything, because your fingers hit whatever you would've bumped into. This is what a cats whiskers are like. Of course, cats aren't blind,but it is just another sense of whats going on!

Are cat whiskers a vestigial structure?

A vestigial structure is a structure that an organism still has but no longer serves any real definite purpose. In this case, the whiskers on a cat serve a vital purpose, so they are not vestigial structures.

Do dogs have whiskies?

Dogs do have whiskers

Why do men have nipples What purpose do they serve?

mens nipples serve as sensory probes for to protect their chest, much like whiskers on a cat or eye lashes above an eye.

How cats and dogs look different?

cats and dogs look different cause cats have long whiskers and dogs have short whiskers.

Does a mouse have whiskers?

Yes, squirrels do have whiskers, but they are very fine.

Do dogs have whiskers?


Are dogs suppose to have whiskers?


Can paint on a dogs whiskers hurt them?


Why do dogs have whiskers on their legs?

Dogs do not have whiskers on their legs, just their fur. Sometimes when the fur on their legs is thick and long, it is called "feathers". The only whiskers a dog has is on its muzzle and sides of the face.

What purpose do the sheep serve for napoleon?

Sheep and dogs serve to advance the dictatorial ambition of Napoleon Animal Farm

Do dog whiskers grow?

Yes, dogs grow whiskers. They get them when they are born.