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Cerebellum, this area is effected when someone is intoxicated and are not able to walk straight.

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Q: What part of the brain smoothes and coordinates movements of the skeletal muscle?
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The part of your brain that coordinates skeletal muscle movement?


How are the components of the nervous system involved in skeletal muscle movements?

The components of the nervous system involved in skeletal movements are the hemolymph A31.

What is cerebellumm?

the "little brain" that coordinates muscle movements-28♥

Is the skeletal muscle voluntary?

Yes. Involuntary muscle movements include heartbeat, digestion in the stomach and breathing.

What is the Muscle that is predominantly responsible for a movement?

The muscle type responsible for body movements is skeletal muscle. This type of muscle is under voluntary control (unlike cardiac and smooth muscle) meaning that we can consciously control the movements we make. The specific skeletal muscle responsible for movement will depend on what movement is being made.

Do skeletal muscles control the movements of organs?

The skeletal muscle converts signals from the nervous system into movement via muscle contractions. Muscles, like the biceps and triceps, are the organsof the skeletal muscular system

What muscle control voluntary movements?

Your Skeletal Muscles

Type of muscle that is voluntary and striated?


What is the Lobe that contains the primary motor that enables voluntary control of skeletal muscle movements?

Frontal Lobe

What factors directly influence venous blood flow?

Skeletal Muscle contraction, breathing movements, and vasoconstriction.

What muscle tissue is multinucleated?

skeletal muscles

Which muscle is not directly controlled by the autonomic nervous system?

smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and most glands