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Q: What resources accounts for Venezuela's economic wealth?
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What resource accounts for Venezuela's economic wealth?

i hate e2020 -.-t

What economic goal does a society consider when deciding the best way to distribute its wealth?

There are various economic goals that a security will consider when deciding the best way to distribute its wealth. The main consideration is equality and ensuring that all parties get a fair share.

Advantages of a centrally planned economic system?

wealth is shared and distributed equally, especially for those who need it. aside from that, natural resources are divided properly and are not wasted.

Is defined as the measurement of all economic goods which are owned?

wealth or wealth

Social responsibility and maximization of society's economic wealth?

Social responsibility and maximization of society's economic wealth has undergone through various changes. The entire society has to take up this responsibility of increasing wealth in their regions in various economic activities.

What is the cause of Distribution of wealth?

The redistribution of wealth is aimed at enhancing levels of economic equality.

Which economic providing equality of wealth?


What are the 4 basic assumptions required for a laissez faire capitalist economy?

- Economic freedom and freedom to compete. - Limited gov't interference. - Right to own private property and the resources neede to create wealth. - Creation of wealth being the concern of private citizens.

What are the 4 basic assumptions required for a laissez-faire capitalist economy?

- Economic freedom and freedom to compete. - Limited gov't interference. - Right to own private property and the resources neede to create wealth. - Creation of wealth being the concern of private citizens.

When market governments decide how to distribute wealth money goods and services what basic economic question are they answering?

Markets or governments make economic decisions about how to most efficiently convert their resources into goods and services. The basic economic question that is being answer is how to produce.

What is wealthness?

A combination of the words: 'Wealth' and 'Wellness', meaning the wealth of wellness

How do resources provide wealth?

Raw resources such as ores, timber, crude oil etc. can often be traded, both domestically and internationally, to provide wealth for the people as well as the country. Natural resources such as crude oil have resulted in an economic boom for Middle Eastern countries. Also, imported raw materials can be modified to become commodities. Imported timber can be made into furniture or paper and exported, crude oil can be refined while gems such as diamonds and rubies can be made into jewellery, all to provide wealth.