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The answer is in the question. Wedding ring is closest the hand and therefore closest the heart

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1y ago

From my point of view. A wedding ring should come on the finger first and after that Engagement Ring. Because it will make the Wedding Ring closest to the heart

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Q: What ring is worn first in a woman's wedding set?
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Is the engagement ring worn during the wedding ceremony?

No, at least not until the wedding band is on first.

Which ring goes on the inside of your ring finger the engagement or wedding ring?

Wedding ring first, engagement ring next, eternity ring last.

How should you wear your wedding ring?

Wedding band first, then engagement ring. The wedding band should be worn closer to the heart, because it is more of a commitment. The engagement ring should not be worn at the ceremony or it can be worn on the right hand and put on after the wedding ring/band. & on the left hand on your ring finger. (next to pinkie)

What defines a wedding ring or dress ring?

A ring worn by a married person, given by the spouse at their wedding

In what order do you wear an eternity ring?

Traditionally, eternity rings are worn above the wedding band and engagement ring. The wedding band is first, closest to your heart, then the engagement ring above, then the eternity ring.

What hand is a couples ring on?

The wedding set is worn on the left, And a couples birthstone ring is worn on the right.

What is proper way for wedding rings to be worn?

it is recommended to worn on the ring finger.

Where does the wedding ring worn for male?

index finger

What ring is worn closest to the hand engagement or wedding band?

The engagement ring is typically worn closest to the hand, followed by the wedding band. The engagement ring is usually given before marriage, while the wedding band is exchanged during the wedding ceremony. However, cultural and personal preferences may vary, and some people may choose to wear their wedding band closer to the hand.

Can a promise ring be worn on the right hand?

yes, but it is mostly worn on the left hand because wedding ring are worn on the right hand

What style ring is considered the wedding ring in Ireland?

The standard ring worn by Irish men and women in Ireland when they are married is just a plain gold band. You may be referring to the Claddagh ring, but that is not a wedding ring. Some people may include a Claddagh design on their ring, but most rings are completely plain. A Claddagh ring can be worn by anyone, married or not.

Is the engagement ring and wedding ring worn on the same and or finger?

Yes, people of Western countries wear the engagement and wedding ring on the same finger.