

What rituals are practiced in Judaism?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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8y ago

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The typical religious Jew - probably the majority of them - tends to be a white-collar worker who, in addition to a regular job, attends synagogue services morning and evening each day. Many of them also attend a daily "Daf Yomi" class in which one page of the Talmud is taught each day.
Daily life in the home is replete with mitzvah-observances. Blessings are said over all foods and drinks; Torah-festivals and Sabbath are observed in the home, and the children are taught portions from the Torah on a daily or weekly basis.

The kosher diet is adhered to. Clothing will be more or less Western (modern) in style (depending on the particular Jewish community), but it is always modest in style.

Religious Jews tend to get married relatively young (early twenties) and have large families (six to ten children is commonplace); and family life is paramount in importance.

The parents are deeply involved in the education of their children. They foot the bill for private-school for the children because of the importance of a Jewish education.

Though conversation is typically in English, it is seasoned with hundreds of Hebrew and Yiddish expressions, many of them expressing religious concepts.

Religious Jewish women have a tightly-knit community of their own; each woman has a close circle of friends who constantly share and help each other. Many women attend weekly classes in various subjects of Torah or outlook.

See also:

How do Jews celebrate Shabbat?

Jewish community life

Jewish religious culture

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