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Usually a mailman simply brought the mail (hopefully from a loved one fighting overseas) and it was a telegraph courier that would bring bad news by delivering a telegraph from the war department. When a soldier was killed the death would reach the families back home by telegraph. When families saw the telegraph courier truck come they literally stood still in fear (some may have kept busy doing chores) in hopes it wasn't their home he was coming too. Sometimes the telegram would say the soldier had died in the act of duty, or that he was lost in action, but also there was a thank you from the government for the duty of such a hero.

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The mailman in "All Quiet on the Western Front" symbolizes the connection between soldiers at the front and their loved ones at home. He brings letters from home, which serve as a lifeline for the soldiers, providing a temporary escape from the horrors of war and a sense of connection to their families. His character highlights the emotional bond soldiers have with their families while fighting in the war.

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Q: What role did the mailman have in the novel 'All Quiet on the Western Front'?
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Remarque's purpose in writing "All Quiet on the Western Front" was to portray the reality of war and its devastating impact on soldiers. He wanted to convey the futility and senselessness of the conflict. He was writing for a wide audience to raise awareness about the horrors of war and promote peace.

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The setting of "All Quiet on the Western Front" is primarily in the trenches on the Western Front during World War I. The story takes place in various locations along the front lines, including battlefields, dugouts, and military camps. The harsh and brutal conditions of war heavily influence the setting of the novel.

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The term "clink" is a slang word for prison, but it does not specifically appear in "All Quiet on the Western Front" by Erich Maria Remarque. The novel mainly follows the experiences of soldiers during World War I and does not focus on prisons.

Is All Quiet on the Western Front a primary source?

Yes, "All Quiet on the Western Front" by Erich Maria Remarque is considered a primary source as it is a novel written by a participant in World War I, providing firsthand accounts and perspectives of the war from a soldier's point of view.

Is All Quiet on the Western Front a fictional book?

Yes, "All Quiet on the Western Front" is a fictional book written by Erich Maria Remarque. It is a novel that offers a fictional account of a young German soldier's experiences during World War I.

Can you give me examples of syntax used in the novel all quiet on the western front with page numbers? A LOT of quotes.