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buddhists think that you shouldn't kill any animals at all and you don't eat meat.


If you examine all religions and compare them to Buddhism there are overlaps between them:

  • Jains are vegetarians
  • Taoists have no deity
  • Hindus believe in reincarnation
  • Most religions have belief in a non-corporeal part of humans (souls etc.)

Yet Another Answer:

The Buddha taught that we make a mistake when we think we have a lasting self (one that is eternal, changeless, separate, that outlasts the body); he pointed out that we have no evidence for anything we can claim as "us" and that our conviction that we do have such a self/soul/atman is the source of a huge set of problems that we have the power to do away with if we just come to realize it. I am unaware of any other religions that work from that premise.

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Unlike the previous scriptures, the Qur'an has been preserved in it's original form. Since it is the final revealation, it is more powerful in meaning and information than The Bible.

It is the speech of God. It is very powerful. Very moving. Totally consistent.

Even if you don't understand a word of it, if you listen to it being recited for a while, you will feel that it is beyond human ability to speak or write anything even nearly as beautiful as the Qur'an.

If you want a listen, the Google: Free Quran MP3 Downloads,

and listen. Learn. Be guided to the truth that never changed : There is no god but the One God.

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