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it would probably look like a red line going down the inflicted area.

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Q: What should a foot that has torn ligaments look like when it is done healing?
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Would the use of crutches help with the healing of damaged ligaments in the foot?

The crutches would definitely relieve the pressure on the foot, because you would not be putting your weight on it by walking. It would then give the foot ample chance to start healing.

What are torn ligaments in a foot?

Ligaments join bone to bone. Thus the foot has skeletal damage.

How many ligaments does the human foot have?

there are 106 ligaments in the human foor

What do ankle ligaments do?

help your foot heal :)

Should you wrap a sprain ankle with a ace band at night?

Yes. In the first 12- 48 hours after injury. So that movement is minimized to allow healing. Once swelling is down, start placing tolerable weight on the foot as well as range of motion exercises to keep healed ligaments from stiffening up.

Should I go to the doctor if I have a foot injury?

It is recommended that you see your physician for an x-ray. The foot contains small bones and ligaments that can be easily injured. Try to not put your weight on the injured foot and see you doctor as soon as possible.

How are the arches of the foot maintained?

The shape of the bones Ligaments Muscles and tendons

Does smoking prolong healing of a broken foot?

Smoking does hurt your immune system and can prolong healing.

If there is a hairline fracture in your foot should it be wrapped?

no it should be in a special shoe and you would be an crutches i have had it done to me

What care should be taken to heal a fractured foot if the cast is opened before time?

Possibly get a brace to immobilize the foot for healing. Depending on the injury location, it could be 'taped up' in order to improve healing but would need a orthopedic dr. or sports medicine technician to correctly do it. There are orthopedic shoes designed to immobilize the foot for healing but you would need to consult with a health professional about using one for your injury;

Sprain Foot problems what should I do and what might be going on with my foot?

The most frequent injuries that happen during participation in sport are ankle sprains. Ankle sprains occur when the ligaments required to connect the bones of your leg to your foot are injured, and yes, it can be excruciating. Ankle ligament injury often occurs in sports as you are most likely to suffer from pain. Twisting, turning, or landing on an unexpected angle, which succeeding strains or tears the ligaments involved. Different ankle ligaments are affected during a sprain. The most commonly affected is the Anterior Talofibular Ligament or 'ATF' for short.

What parts are not found on the horse's foot The crate The casing The outer ligaments The knuckle the elbow?

the elbow