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Stay calm. The calmness of the skipper will help everyone.

Have everyone put on their life jackets.

Close all doors and openings on the boat. This will help reduce the amount of water that could be taken on board.

Have everyone dress as warmly as possible. It is harder to work when wet and cold.

If you are in fear of your life or loosing the boat send out a mayday on the radio.

Remember if the weather is too rough you may be safer not heading for shore. Strong winds and waves could push you into rocks.

If it looks as if the boat will sink have everyone on deck. You wouldn't want someone to be trapped below decks when the boat sinks.

also seat passengers on the floor close to the centerline

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Q: What should you do if you are caught in a severe storm when boating with passengers?
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on the floor close to the centerline

You are caught in severe weather while boating. Where should you seat your passengers?

on the floor close to the centerline

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put on your life jacket if it's not already

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Put on a jacket if it is not on already

TP-12 what should you do if caught in severe storm conditions?

Put on a jacket if it is not on already

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You are caught in severe weather while boating.what sh you do?