

What should you do to get over flu?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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It's an old song, but I'm sure you know the words: "Rest, and plenty of fluids". Flu is an ailment that time and nature are the best cures for. If you stay in bed, rest, get plenty of fluids and eat as your body dictates, you will recover from it as well and as quickly as anyone can. Flu can be devastating, and people do themselves - and their co-workers - no favors by trying to "keep at the job" when they have it. Take the time to heal and get better.

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Unless they have a high fever, yes and they probably should have one because they are sick. However, there are a few circumstances when the vaccine should not be given. See the related question below about who should not get a flu vaccination.

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Once flu season is over....which I think is may or June...but when flu season comes back around november, so does the swine flu.

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The flu vaccination should protect you from getting the flu. The flu vaccine is usually 70% effective.

Should you get your child the flu shot even though it has mercury in it?

Yes. The amount of mercury in a single dose of the flu vaccination is approximately equivalent to a meal of fish. As long as the child is over 6 months old a flu vaccine is highly recommended by health professionals. The vaccines have been proven safe over decades of use.

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When should a person get vaccinated if they have the flu?

The time for vaccination is prior to having the flu since the vaccine is intended to prevent the flu, not treat it. However, it is advisable to still get a vaccination even if you have had the flu since there are vaccines for multiple types of flu in the seasonal flu vaccinations to protect you against other types of flu. You can take the flu vaccine while you have the flu as long as you don't have a fever at the time, however, you should wait until you are sure you are no longer contagious with the flu before you go out in public, even if only going for the vaccination. Otherwise, you can spread it to others in public. Once you have gone 24 hours straight without a fever (when taking no fever reducers), you are considered to be over the flu and no longer contagious.

Is the Swine Flu slowing down?

Yes. The pandemic has been declared over. There remain some isolated outbreaks from time to time and place to place, however, so if you have not received a vaccination for it yet, you should. The swine flu vaccine is included in the seasonal flu vaccination in the 2011-2012 flu season in the Northern Hemisphere.

Should you be around your son if you have the flu?

no you shouldn't the flu is contagious you wouldn't want to get your child sick unless he has the shot for that flu