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I'm dealing with this injury currently. The doctors put me in a soft cast, for the first 48hrs you elevate it and ice it 15 minutes w/ ice on then take the ice off for 15... and so on.. I've been put on crutches as well which is a real treat *insert eye roll*... Also, according to various readings online, i will be in the cast for 6wks-8wks and will probably need physical therapy.

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15y ago

Definitely go to the emergency room and see if it's serious enough for a cast. ---- The treatment for a fractured fibula is a splint, and later a cast. If the fracture is displaced, the bone may need to be set - either with or without surgery, depending on the circumstances.

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12y ago

Fibula fracture should heal easily with just a plaster cast

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15y ago

With a cast from the toes to just below the knee, or sometimes a full leg cast.

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